Funding competition Horizon Europe Guarantee - EIT KICs 2022

This funding route is to deliver the UK Government’s Horizon Europe guarantee. Specifically, it covers funding for UK partners involved in EIT-KIC activities in the 2022 calendar year.

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Competition sections


The UK government has announced a new scheme that guarantees funding for successful applicants to the first and second wave of Horizon Europe grant awards regardless of the outcome of the UK’s efforts to associate to Horizon Europe.

The guarantee is a short term measure intended to address the delays in formalising the UK’s association to Horizon Europe. To provide reassurance, the government has guaranteed funding for the first two waves of eligible, successful applicants to Horizon Europe, if they are unable to sign their grant agreements with the EU.

This guarantee covers the costs of EIT-eligible activities delivered by UK participants of the KICs in 2021 and 2022 that would otherwise have been covered by grant funding awarded by EIT.

This funding route is for EIT-eligible activities carried out by UK partners involved in EIT-KIC activities where relevant costs will be incurred in calendar year 2022.

Funding type

Horizon Europe Guarantee

Project size

Not applicable

Who can apply

You will be eligible to register with UKRI for the Horizon Europe guarantee through this route if you:

  • are a UK-based organisation which will carry out a project under a KIC 2022 Business Plan and will incur relevant costs during the 2022 calendar year.


This competition will cover the costs of EIT-eligible activities delivered by UK participants of the KICs that would otherwise have been covered by grant funding awarded by EIT. This will apply for EIT-eligible activities where relevant costs will be incurred in calendar year 2022. Note that costs for subsequent calendar years are outside the scope of the guarantee.
23 May 2022
Competition opens
6 September 2024 3:20pm
Applicants notified
22 November 2025 7:00pm
Competition closes

How to apply

Text update 12 October 2023: We have updated the project finances section regarding how to record costs breakdown.

Text update 15 April 2024: We have updated the title of the question 'UK funding contribution applied for (GBP)' to 'total amount of grant funding requested (GBP)' to align with other Horizon Europe Guarantee competitions.

Please submit one application for each KIC in which your organisation is involved. Each application should cover all of your projects/activities for that KIC.

The application is split into 3 sections:

  1. Project details
  2. Application questions
  3. Finances

Project details

Application details

The lead applicant must complete this section. Give your project’s title, start date and duration.

Application title: Please enter the title of the project, or “2022 [Name of KIC] activities” if covering multiple activities

Estimated timescales: You must enter a date in the future. If your project has already started at the time of submission to UKRI, there is a question later in application process where you can provide the actual start date. The Grant Offer Letter will be issued listing the actual date as the project start date and using the duration entered here.

Duration: Only costs that will be incurred in 2022 are eligible for this part of the guarantee, therefore the maximum duration is 12 months and cannot extend beyond 31 December 2022

For additional guidance on filling in this section please refer to the document ‘How to apply for guarantee funding for EIT-KICs 2022 activities’.

Application questions

For these questions you will require:

  • supporting letter from your KIC
  • proof of success. This must include either a grant agreement issued by the KIC for 2022 and/or an alternative proof of success. Suitable alternative evidence could include an official letter or email from the KIC confirming that your project was accepted as part of the 2022 Business Plan for your KIC
  • if applicable, evidence that your KIC has removed any ‘success fee’, share-transfer or equity conditions

Tell us where your organisation is based

Your organisation must be based in the UK or a British Overseas Territory.

Participating organisation project region

You must select from the multiple choice answers the region in which your project is being carried out.

EIT-KIC identifier

Please select the relevant EIT-KIC that relates to your claim. If your claim is for a cross-KIC activity, please select the KIC that manages your award.

EIT-KIC reference number and supporting letter

Please include either an EIT-KIC grant reference number or a unique identifier from the KIC that relates to your claim.

You must upload as an appendix a supporting letter from your KIC confirming the details of your claim. The KICs have been provided with a template for this letter which must be used for this purpose. This is a mandatory upload and failure to include this may delay your application.

Total amount of grant funding requested (GBP)

Enter the value of the final anticipated EIT contribution for 2022 (in GBP) that you would have received had the UK been associated to Horizon Europe.

Please convert the Euro value confirmed by your KIC in their supporting letter using the maximum exchange rate £1: €1.160354.

Proof of success

You can upload up to three documents supporting your claim as appendices. This must include either a grant agreement issued by the KIC for 2022 and/or an alternative proof of success. Suitable alternative evidence could include an official letter or email from the KIC confirming that your project was accepted as part of the 2022 Business Plan for your KIC.

Success fee and equity conditions

Activities that involve the payment of a success fee or that place share-transfer or other equity conditions on the UK partner are not eligible to receive funding from the UK Government’s guarantee. The KIC would need to remove these conditions for the activities to be in scope for the guarantee.

Removal of success fee and equity conditions

If your KIC activities involved ‘success fee’, share-transfer or other equity conditions, please confirm whether your KIC has removed these conditions in order for your activities to be in scope to receive funding from the UK Guarantee. In this case, please upload supporting evidence from your KIC to confirm that these conditions have been removed.

Project finances

Enter your cost breakdown in GBP within the relevant cost categories.

Contact us

If you need support with the application process, email us at or call 0300 321 4357. Our phone lines are open from 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

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